How do I pay my income tax self-assessment / VAT / PAYE / Corporation Tax to HMRC?

The easiest way to pay is often via your own online banking, and with some taxes you can even set up a direct debit so that the payment is taken automatically. That way you do not pay any interest and penalties if you forget to pay by the due date! It is imperative that the … Read more

What is Making Tax Digital (MTD) and what does it mean for me?

Making Tax Digital (MTD) for Income Tax Self Assessment (ITSA) is a government initiative to transform the tax system and move it online. The aim is to make “fundamental changes to the way the tax system works – transforming tax administration so that it is: more effective, more efficient and easier for taxpayers to get … Read more

Do I need a qualified accountant?

While you are not legally obliged to have a qualified accountant, or any accountant at all, choosing a qualified accountant will provide you with the peace of mind that your finances are being dealt with correctly by people whose professional knowledge is kept up to date. As qualified accountants, we have passed a number of … Read more

Starting a business

If you are thinking of starting your own business the first thing you should do is get some professional advice from an accountant, ideally BEFORE you start trading. We can advise on: If everything is set up correctly before you start trading, not only will you be saving tax but you will also have more … Read more

What bookkeeping do I need to do and do I need software?

Following the introduction of Making Tax Digital (MTD), VAT-registered businesses are required to keep digital records and use software to submit their VAT returns. Since April 2022 this also includes businesses who are VAT registered but below the VAT threshold (currently £85,000) who were previously exempted. Even if you are not VAT registered at all … Read more

Do I need to register for VAT?

You must register for Value Added Tax if your VAT taxable turnover goes over the Government set threshold, or if you know that it will. The threshold currently stands at £85,000. VAT taxable turnover is made up of any goods or services sold that are not VAT exempt. If you have VAT taxable turnover of … Read more

What is the VAT domestic reverse charge for construction services and how will it affect my business?

The VAT domestic reverse charge moves the responsibility of reporting VAT away from the subcontractor and on to the contractor when working within the construction industry. Your business will be affected if: The end user, typically the private customer, will not be impacted by the use of the domestic VAT reverse charge. Supply Chain Normal … Read more

Do I have to give my employees paid holiday?

Whether staff are employed on a full-time, part-time, flexible or zero-hours contract, they are entitled to statutory holiday pay. This includes agency workers too. Most workers who work a 5-day week must receive at least 28 days’ paid annual leave a year. This is the equivalent of 5.6 weeks of holiday. Bank holidays are counted … Read more

What information do I need to give you in order for you to prepare my…

…bookkeeping? Just give us access to your bookkeeping software (if you are not taking advantage of our FREE or discounted software packages), your bank statements and invoices for each period and we will take care of everything. We can also prepare and submit your VAT returns as a stand-alone service or as part of our … Read more

What are off-payroll working rules, sometimes called IR35?

You may be affected by the off-payroll working rules if: An intermediary will usually be the worker’s own personal service company, but could also be another entity such as an agency. The rules look at whether, if the worker was providing their services directly to the end client without the intermediary, they would be classed … Read more